Word Lists
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Notice: Undefined index: full_name in /home/kowusu5/spellme.app/index.php on line 590
Email Address:
Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/kowusu5/spellme.app/index.php on line 594
Account Type:
Notice: Undefined index: account_type in /home/kowusu5/spellme.app/index.php on line 600
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Spell 5 words correctly and earn points!
Green: Grades 1-2 (Beginner, easy words)
Yellow: Grades 3-5 (Intermediate words)
Orange: Grades 6-8 (Advanced words)
Red: Adults (Challenging words)
Black: Adults (Expert mode, no words read aloud)
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The app that helps you learn, practice and get GREAT at spelling!
You can start by doing the SpellMe Daily Challenge or practice your own words by creating a Wordlist, all free.
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