🔡 Spell Me Please! 🐝bee-ta

Getting Started

📌 Creating an Account & logging In

To get started, create an account by clicking on the Login/Register button and then clicking on Register on the window that opens up. You can sign up by entering your name, an email address and a password.

Registering will log you in straight away. You will also receive an welcome email. Please click the link in the email to verify your address.

If you already have an account, click on the Login/Register button, then enter your username and password.

🛠 Setting Up Your Profile

Once registered, you can customize your settings, including difficulty level, voice options, and background colour.

📋 Choosing a Word List

🎯 Selecting a Learning Mode

📊 Tracking Progress

Use the dashboard to monitor your accuracy, word mastery, to see how to improve.

Need More Help?

If you need further assistance, visit our Contact Page.